Hilary Overton
Glory Reborn Founder
Thu Sep 14 2017

Rahab’s Story and Glory Reborn

Recently I was asked to share about Glory Reborn at our local church for their “Rahab Sunday” service. I wanted to share a few of the beautiful components of the Rahab story that are meaningful to me in line with the work of Glory Reborn.


At Glory Reborn we work with a variety of pregnant women, some of whom could be considered harlots, some who are living with HIV, many who are marginalized; we exist to provide a safe shelter for them to deliver their babies. According to the account of Joshua in chapter two we learn that Rahab provided safety for the spies in her own business. Rahab invested in the lives of the spies because she saw the greater impact it would have on her future and on her family; the whole family would all be spared and safe in the time of destruction in exchange for providing safety for the spies. We believe that at Glory Reborn, as we welcome hundreds of mothers and provide safety to them as they birth the next generation, their entire families will be blessed, protected, and welcomed into the family of Jesus, impacting the next generation to be used by the Lord.

Throughout the nine months of pregnancy Glory Reborn is able to offer quality care and share with mothers. We pray with them for the life of Jesus to be birthed in their hearts. Just as we recognize in Joshua 6:25 and Hebrews 11:31 that Rahab was a harlot turned believer, this is the hope for mothers of Glory Reborn – whoever and however they come into our humble clinic, that they would leave full of Jesus’ life, hope, and love.

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Lastly, perhaps the best part of Rahab’s story is told in Matthew 1:5 where we see that Rahab is in the genealogy of Jesus! Yes, a sinner, a harlot, in the family tree of the King of Kings – Jesus. Such hope for each of us, such a promise for these mothers who will be raising the next generation.

At Glory Reborn we have birthed a generation of babies – 4,000 so far – and we know that each life plays an important role in the kingdom. In our very name, Glory Re-born, and in this incredible story of Rahab, we see the significant value of investing in the mothers who will raise the next generation, because in this family line we believe the glory and life of Jesus will be re-born to change a nation.

Our challenge now is to ask ourselves, what are we investing in? Whatever it is, it will greatly impact not just your own life but the lives of the generations to come after you. Are we setting up the generations after us to prepare the way for the King? What are you investing in today?
