Hilary Overton
Glory Reborn Founder
Mon Oct 19 2015

Orphans and Widows

This month we were also honored to host a dear elderly woman in our facility for over a week.

The city social service program was in need of temporary housing for an elderly woman who was looking for any family members she could unite with. They had tried to place her in other housing facilities but she was not accommodated at any of them.

We are so glad that they thought of us! It was a joy to “Mama Cindy” in the clinic for a week. She got to join us during our daily Bible study and monthly prayer night where we got to bless her and pray over her as she finds her family on another island.

It just so happened that we also have an orphaned baby in the clinic so she became a great help in loving on and caring for a precious baby boy. I had to chuckle a bit during the prayer night remembering the verse out of James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

As I mentioned in our last letter we are a maternity clinic and so much more. It’s always a blessing to get to love and serve whoever the Lord brings to our doorstep, widow, orphan, pregnant, our doors are open to all. glory3