Hilary Overton
Glory Reborn Founder
Tue Aug 30 2011

Nowella’s Story

Nowella was like any young girl – she spent her days playing house, going to school and enjoying life as a child. However, when she was nine years old she became ill with the measles. Having never been vaccinated against measles she became extremely sick and was hospitalized. She spent many days in the hospital fighting the measles and with each day her vision began to fade. After several weeks Nowella recovered from the measles, however tragically her sight continued to decline. Later that year Nowella lost all sight and was diagnosed as clinically blind. With her loss of sight, she was forced to drop out of school and was unable to complete her education. Years later, Nowella was able to enroll in a skill training program and after completion she began working in the airport as a head and neck massage therapist. She met her husband and both continued to work at the airport. When Nowella became pregnant her sister, who is a little person (dwarfism), brought her to Glory Reborn. While she was able to get the normal care that every mom receives at Glory Reborn, we wanted her to be able to interact and bond with her baby. So we taught Nowella how to feel her baby moving in her ever growing womb. Everyone looked forward to Nowella’s check-ups. She was so eager to learn about her baby and carried so much joy and excitement with her. When Nowella was in labor she was so calm and peaceful – embracing the process knowing that she would soon hold her baby girl. After a perfect labor and delivery Nowella embraced her baby girl and held her tight as she kissed her face. There was not a dry eye in the delivery room watching Nowella fall in love with her baby. Feeling every detail of her beautiful baby girl the joyous, peaceful expression on Nowella’s face spoke louder than any words this mommy could say. As her perfect baby girl began to feed, the room was filled with a heavenly joy  while mother and baby connected on such a beautiful and intimate level. These are the moments we live for! This seemingly “unperfect” family (by our world’s standards) of a blind mother, a handicapped father and a little person sister all oohing and aahing around this precious life couldn’t have been more perfect! In the days that followed Nowella, her husband and her sister all learned quickly how to care for this precious baby. With the proper vaccinations started, Nowella’s baby girl will not suffer the same tragedy of blindness from measles as her mommy did. Many thanks to each of you who are helping us not just save lives but help to ensure a bright future for these precious little ones.