Hilary Overton
Glory Reborn Founder
Wed Feb 13 2019

Finding Hope in the Waiting | Video Update

Happy February to everyone!

I am excited to invite you this month into our Glory Reborn home for a glimpse into what Thursdays look like for us. Thursdays has become a very special day for us as it is HIV testing day and so much more.

I invite you to click below and come into the home of Glory Reborn. Come and hear our heartbeat as Luke Walker shares how a day of HIV testing has become a day where Jesus is found in many hearts.

Every Thursday, patients enrolled in Glory Reborn together with clients enrolled in a local hospital come together for HIV education and screening at Glory Reborn. They come for HIV screening and they leave with a heart full of hope, no matter what the result may be. We believe that every moment is an opportunity to invest in the community of mothers who have come to our clinic. So while they are waiting for testing or results to be released, they are being prayed over and worshiping together with our team.

Thursdays are a day where hearts come to know the fullness of Jesus. Where the practical health need meets the needs of hearts. It’s a day where prayers are not just prayed but answered. It’s a day where His glory is being reborn into hearts from all around our neighboring community.

Thank you for being a part of bringing health, awareness, and hope to so many hearts in and outside of Glory Reborn every Thursday.

Blessings, Hilary