Hilary Overton
Glory Reborn Founder
Tue Aug 30 2011

August Outreach

Glory Reborn partnered with an organization committed to stopping human trafficking for an outreach this month to provide female checkups and ultrasounds to over 40 women who had been rescued from trafficking situations. After starting the afternoon with games and a health teaching we began with ultrasound checkups on those who were pregnant. Our first woman who received an ultrasound scan was a beautiful young girl who was only fourteen years old. As we explained the ultrasound procedure she began to look a little worried. august 2011 outreachWe pulled out a picture book and showed her what she could expect to see and with each page she began to get more excited. Once we started and she was able to see her own baby on the screen, she was overwhelmed with excitement. We discovered that she would be delivering her baby by the end of the month! We continued to scan pregnant mommies and provide healthcare checkups to these women in what turned out to be a very emotional and successful afternoon. It truly was an honor to be with these amazing women who are beginning their lives all over again. We are eager to continue to serve this community with healthcare services that provide them with a safe, private and hopeful place. I never imagined all that the Lord had prepared for Glory Reborn when we began over eight years ago, but I feel so blessed to have met amazing women like Nowella and these brave women who are getting their lives back. What a joy to be a small part of these precious lives! Thank you supporters for continuing to be a part of reaching the women in the Cebu community. What a blessing and a joy, as we together live in love and unity as the body of Christ reaching out to one another. Many, many thanks!Â